Plastic part inspection with a 5 s cycle time
09 November, 2017 by Kalle Serdar, OmronIdentifying process defects within plastic parts can be very challenging, and can only be achieved through deploying high-speed, precise machine vision systems.
Guangzhou automation fair sell-out reflects China's automation growth
20 October, 2017The Industrial Robotics and Machine Vision zone at the Guangzhou Automation Fair in March 2018 has already been sold out, reflecting the growing demand for robotics and automation technology in China.
The less-is-more approach to robotic cable management
10 October, 2017Cable issues have been cited as the number one reason for downtime in robotics cells, so the way in which robot cables are attached and guided is important for robot reliability.
Growth rate for new industrial robots predicted to hit 14% pa
03 October, 2017IFR has predicted that 1.7 million new industrial robots will be installed in factories worldwide by 2020, with China leading the charge.
Research: Mobile robots that can merge and morph
13 September, 2017Designed by a team of European researchers based in Belgium, mergeable nervous system robots retain full motion control regardless of how they are grouped, so the larger bodies function with a single controller, and once split use independent controllers.
ABB's YuMi robot conducts opera
12 September, 2017ABB's collaborative robot YuMi will be conducting the Lucca Philharmonic Orchestra in Pisa tonight, performing along with soloists Andrea Bocelli and Luigia Borsi.
World's top AI and robotics companies urge UN to ban lethal autonomous weapons
21 August, 2017Open letter by leaders of leading robotics and AI companies is launched at the world's biggest artificial intelligence conference as UN delays meeting till later this year to discuss the robot arms race.
Annual robotics competition finals in Sydney
18 August, 2017National Instruments has announced the live finals of the 7th Annual Autonomous Robotics Competition, to be held at the University of Technology Sydney in September.
The new industrial revolution: robots are an opportunity, not a threat
15 August, 2017 by David Flynn and Valentin Robu, Heriot-Watt University*If robots and AI are our future, we need to embrace the technology and work out how best to collaborate and make it work for everyone.
Aussie robot wins Amazon Robotics Challenge
31 July, 2017The Australian Centre for Robotic Vision (ACRV), headquartered at QUT, has grabbed the US$80,000 first prize at the 2017 Amazon Robotics Challenge in Japan.
Rollon robot seventh-axis system
21 July, 2017Rollon Italy has developed a standardised seventh-axis system from its linear product range.
Cloud robotics
06 July, 2017 by H Pei-Breivold, K Sandström, L Rizvanovic, M Lehtola, S Azhar, R Kulläng, M Larsson, ABBFew doubt that in the near future, robotics will fundamentally change production systems and dramatically increase their level of automation. To do so, robots will have to figure out for themselves how to solve problems and adapt to dynamic environments. This can be achieved by exploiting the IoT to facilitate the creation of new technology involving large-scale data propagation, stream analytics and machine learning.
A peek at perfection
15 June, 2017Porsche has used ABB robots to showcase its newest 911 model to fans around the world at an exclusive preview.
igus modular robots
06 June, 2017Motion plastics company igus has announced new robolink components for individual robotics solutions.
Good teamwork: getting a safe hand from robots
05 June, 2017Until now, heavy-duty robots have always been housed in separate work areas to safeguard workers. Researchers at Fraunhofer want to change that with a security concept and intelligent robot control that will enable people and robots to collaborate as a team.