
Air nozzle range

01 June, 2008 | Supplied by: Spray Nozzle Engineering

Compressed air safety has now been joined with energy efficiency, with the Silvent compressed air blowing nozzle range.

Wide surface static eliminator

01 June, 2008 | Supplied by: Compressed Air Australia Pty Ltd

Exair’s 48" (1219 mm) Super Ion air knife neutralises static electricity while blowing away dust and particulates from printed surfaces, paper, plastics and 3D shapes. The wide laminar airstream full of static-eliminating ions is effective at high speeds and provides good cleaning up to 6.1 m away.

Low-torque rotary air connectors

01 June, 2008 | Supplied by: SMC Australia | New Zealand

With the current trend for automation systems to include operations involving rotary transfer of air and fluids, SMC Pneumatics has addressed the problems of tube rotation with its range of MQR rotary joints.

Static electricity management

01 June, 2008 | Supplied by: SMC Australia | New Zealand

Static electricity is a major problem in packaging, processing and materials handling. Static electricity attracts dust, and affects efficient paper and plastic handling and also label adhesion.

E+H sets new patent record

30 May, 2008

Over 200 inventors from the Endress+Hauser Group worldwide gathered recently to celebrate the company’s new record of 182 patent applications in 2007.

EMEX 2008 "a monster success"

26 May, 2008

EMEX 2008, New Zealand’s largest engineering and machinery industry showcase held in Auckland 6–8 May, was a great success, according to feedback from both visitors and exhibitors.

WA conference highlights corporate manslaughter

26 May, 2008

Workplace ‘wellness’ is expected to be the hottest new buzzword at the inaugural WA Safety Conference, held in Perth from 12–14 August, but the program will also touch on much less optimistic issues like bullying and ‘corporate manslaughter’.

New ISO12500 standards help users compare compressed air quality and contamination

08 May, 2008 by John Davis* | Supplied by: Parker (Aust) Pty Ltd

When selecting compressed air purification equipment, installers and users often compare the performance of equipment from many manufacturers in an effort to cost-effectively achieve the quality of compressed air required by their application. A new ISO standard will add greater clarity to the decision-making process.

Geothermal energy to power mining

07 May, 2008

Geothermal or hot rocks energy could power the future needs of South Australia's booming mining sector in the state's north, according to geothermal developer Petratherm.

Work to live, come home to die

28 April, 2008

Australia’s official workplace death toll — between 200 and 300 per year — could be just the tip of the iceberg, according to the Safety Institute of Australia.

Beamex receives customer service award

21 April, 2008

Beamex, supplier of calibrators and test instruments, has received the prestigious Frost & Sullivan award for customer service leadership in the European calibration management software market.

NZ manufacturing in decline

15 April, 2008

New Zealand’s manufacturing sector has declined in overall activity for the first time in over two years, according to the Bank of New Zealand-Business NZ Performance of Manufacturing Index.

Endress+Hauser launches online catalogue

10 April, 2008

Process instrumentation supplier Endress+Hauser has announced the launch of E-direct, a hardcopy and online catalogue offering a selection of instrumentation for all process industries.

Carbon to be the biggest global commodity market by 2012

09 April, 2008

One of the first companies certified as 'greenhouse friendly' has announced that adapting to the emerging carbon-constrained economy will become vital to business success in the face of increasing regulation and consumer pressure.

$5b development for North West Shelf Venture

08 April, 2008

The participants of the North West Shelf Venture project off the coast of Western Australia have approved a $5 billion expansion to extend the life of the gas and oil operation.

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