PITreader S access permission system protects mobile robotic workstation
Industrial automation company HT Robotics designed a mobile workstation for efficient loading and unloading of CNC machines. It is designed to be moved within the plant for use on various machine tools, depending on the production requirement. The island consists of a station with a removable carriage for loading and unloading blanks, a collaborative robot and control console. In addition to safeguarding the mobile workstation, HT Robotics were also looking for an option to regulate access for three different operators (maintenance engineer, supervisor and operator). This task is performed by the PITreader S modular access permission system from Pilz.
Modularity provides a mobile safety solution
Regulating access to the mobile workstation guarantees that only authorised operators can control it. By utilising the PITreader S access permission system, critical situations due to misuse are avoided. For example, the maintenance engineer can make manual interventions, the supervisor can create codes and production sequences and the operator can start or stop the production cycle.
Flexible area monitoring was also implemented around the mobile workstation with the Pilz PSENscan safety laser scanner: should an operator approach, PSENscan identifies this and forwards the information so that the speed of the cobot is adjusted. Once the workspace is free again, the cobot returns to full speed. These functions are controlled using the myPNOZ modular safety relay, as this evaluation unit is quick and simple to use. In this way, HT Robotics offers its customers a flexible workstation that includes a holistic safety concept — and thus guarantees productivity when loading CNC machines.
“This application enables the machine to be operated via a central interface. In doing so the system is completely flexible: with PITreader, the machine can change operation from the manipulator to final processing, through to quality control. That’s three tasks in one solution,” said Paolo Bertello, Project Manager at HT Robotics.
Products used in the application
The Pilz products used in the application are:
- myPNOZ: An easy-to-use, modular safety relay with an internal combination logic for monitoring emergency stops, safety light curtains or two-hand controls, in small to medium applications with two to 16 safe input functions.
- PSENscan: A laser safety scanner offering free configuration of warning fields and protected fields, and the ability to adapt to structural conditions, making it ideal for integrating into the widest range of applications.
- PITreader: An access control device that allows easy management of access permissions for plant and machinery. It can be used as standalone device or in conjunction with a Pilz controller. The RFID transponder keys are available in freely writable versions and also with fixed, stored permissions.
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