Trimec MP series rotary piston flowmeters
Rotary piston technology has long been established as a simple but reliable metering principle providing high levels of accuracy and repeatability for a wide range of liquids - from extremely viscous lubricants, chemicals and food bases to non-conductive solvents and fuels. Applications include alcohols, acetic acid, caustic soda, ethanol, fuels, grease, glucose, ink, insecticides, latex emulsions, liquid sugar, margarine, mayonnaise, molasses, resin, tallow, urethane, water, xylene and liquid yeast.
The Trimec MP Series meters are manufactured in line sizes from 10 to 50 mm and in a variety of body materials, such as aluminium, stainless steel and UPVC, and do not require long straight pipe runs.
Standard options include flanged and hygienic process connections, explosion proof rating, integral and remote LCD totaliser-batch totaliser and flow rate totaliser, as well as scaled pulse, 4-20 mA and flow alarm outputs. Electronic batch controllers and pulse processing modules are also available.
Phone: 03 9017 8225
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