Interworld Electronics USB-AI16-64M series high-density analog input modules
The USB-AI16-64MA is a 64-channel, 16-bit resolution 500 kHz analog input module that includes 12 digital I/O lines.
Its features include 64 single-ended or 32 differential inputs, real-time hardware auto-calibration, channel-by-channel programmable gain, over sampling for improved data accuracy and overvoltage protection.
The onboard digital I/O provides four high-current digital output lines and eight TTL compatible input lines. A 16-bit programmable counter/timer is also accessible.
An economy version, the USB-AI16-64ME, has a maximum sample rate of 250 kHz and features software calibration only. For applications that do not require the high accuracy of 16-bit samples, 12-bit resolution modules are also available.
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