Inline water quality monitoring in distribution pipelines

Wednesday, 01 April, 2009 | Supplied by: Westwater Enterprises

The Intellisonde multi-parameter monitoring system is a measuring device designed for direct insertion into potable water pipeline distribution networks, providing benefits including: continuous water quality monitoring within the distribution system; integration into a water utility data collection system such as SCADA; providing real-time and historical data — both alphanumeric and graphical; assistance with compliance and regulatory requirements; analysis of the distribution network; and minimising risk of contamination posed by bursts and repairs.

The system can monitor up to 11 variables on a continuous basis including: chlorine, turbidity, pH/ORP, colour, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, temperature, flow, ISE (selectable) and pressure.

It weighs 3.5 kg and is installed into a distribution pipeline via a 50 mm threaded ball valve which allows for easy maintenance without interfering with the process. An electrical supply is then connected, which can be mains powered or battery operated for remote applications.

The electronic module includes an integral data logger within a sealed, waterproof enclosure which can be accessed via a laptop and software package. However, the device also has Modbus and ethernet communication interfaces allowing the information to be accessed direct to the utilities data collection system. Calibration is straightforward and user friendly.

The system features: micro electrode and laser diode technology, no waste chemicals (reagents), no membranes, potential for fewer visits to site and reduction in manual sampling and inclusion an ISE option (eg, fluoride).

Phone: 08 9248 2411
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