Maintaining profitable assets
14 June, 2006 by Colin Bickerstaff, General Manager, Furmanite AustraliaIt is widely acknowledged that effective maintenance strategies and practices have a direct impact on process efficiency and productivity and therefore on bottom line profitability. Yet maintenance is still often seen as a cost, rather than an investment
Closed-loop reliability-centred maintenance
14 June, 2006 by Brian Dunks, Product Director, Intentia"How effective is your maintenance strategy?" is a question often posed to engineers and one which is mostly very difficult to answer with any degree of certainty. It's a critical consideration: the wrong decision can cause costly mistakes
An end to the paperwork chaos
05 June, 2006The paperless information society has been with us for years, yet anyone needing information about a plant or machinery still has to root through heaps of paper documents. A retrieval system provides archived knowledge on demand.