Business > Regulations & government

Energy management: providing the key to a green and profitable future

14 December, 2009 by Corrie F Jansen van Rensburg*

The current increasing pressure on industry to clean up environmental performance is regarded by many as a direct conflict with one of industry’s primary goals - management of operational costs in order to increase profitability.

$20.6 million in Climate Ready grants to support 324 jobs

10 November, 2009

The Australian Government has announced $20.6 million in grants to 32 businesses, for projects supporting around 324 green jobs, under the Rudd government's Climate Ready program.

Carbon management solution

20 October, 2009 by

Honeywell has released its Carbon Management Information Solution to help Australian process manufacturers to more easily understand their obligations under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act (NGER). 

Honeywell launches new carbon management information solution

13 October, 2009

Honeywell has launched its Carbon Management Information Solution to help Australian process manufacturers more easily understand their obligations under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act (NGER).

Australia's CPRS now delayed

12 May, 2009

The introduction of Australia’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme is being delayed a year, but legislation is still expected to be passed this year. This will give businesses affected by the CPRS some breathing space, but also provide some certainty if the legislation is passed.

Increased international cooperation on standards for energy efficiency needed

08 April, 2009

Cooperation on International Standards to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions was given a major boost by a workshop in Paris, France, on 16–17 March 2009, which brought together 290 experts from the public and private sector. Presentations and discussion panels provided insights on the requirements and challenges related to energy efficiency and related standardisation work in a variety of fields, including industrial systems.

Government providing 10% investment allowance at NMW

10 February, 2009

The government’s 10% investment allowance for capital equipment purchases will cover deals made at National Manufacturing Week, to be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre from 12–15 May 2009.

Speakers announced for 2009 Fieldbus Foundation assembly

06 February, 2009

Hideaki Miura, Senior Executive Officer and GM, Engineering Division, JGC Corporation, will be the keynote speaker at the Fieldbus Foundation 2009 General Assembly, 4–5 March in Yokohama, Japan.

Emissions trading scheme unveiled within weeks

03 December, 2008

The Rudd government has said it will reveal the final design of its emissions trading scheme, along with a medium-term target range for reductions, on Monday 15 December.

WA lifts ban on uranium mining

20 November, 2008

The West Australian cabinet has lifted a ban on uranium mining, opening up the state's uranium deposits to immediate exploitation.

Government asked to support engineering migration

03 November, 2008

APESMA has urged the government not to include engineers in forecast migration cuts, saying the migrants would complement increased investment in domestic engineering skills.

Processing carbon emissions

17 October, 2008 by Dr David J Beale, PhD BSc (Hons)*

Processes for creating products and services are being scrutinised carefully for any negative contribution to overall carbon footprints, and carbon accounting and management has fast become a part of the Australian business landscape.

Garnaut projections show mitigation bearable

11 September, 2008

The costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions are less daunting when the alternatives are considered, according to the Garnaut Climate Change Review.

New ISO12500 standards help users compare compressed air quality and contamination

08 May, 2008 by John Davis*

When selecting compressed air purification equipment, installers and users often compare the performance of equipment from many manufacturers in an effort to cost-effectively achieve the quality of compressed air required by their application. A new ISO standard will add greater clarity to the decision-making process.

Unifying renewable targets

11 March, 2008

The federal and state governments have taken another step towards unifying renewable energy objectives, according to Federal Climate Change Minister Penny Wong.

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