Lowering costs and improving safety at sewage pumping stations
Monday, 08 August, 2011
Pumping raw sewage or any kind of wastewater can be expensive, with many hidden costs and safety issues. OHS issues at submersible pump stations are many because most of the mechanical equipment is located at the bottom of a six-metre deep pit, under a metre of sewage.
Any repairs or replacement need to be done with the ‘lids’ open, exposing personnel to dangerous risks. Some of this work requires personnel to enter the wet well, which is a dangerous confined space.
If any of your objectives are to:
- improve the safety and comfort of operators
- lower costs over the life of the installation
- reduce the time operators spend at pump stations
- reduce chokes/blockages
- remove confined spaces issues
then download this white paper to find out how you can lower costs and improve safety at sewage pumping stations.
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