Andersen Instruments RAAS 2.5 Samplers (Reference Ambient Air Samplers) are USA Federal Reference Method Samplers specifically designed to comply with requirements of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Particulate Matter (40 CFT Part 50).
The standard requires a fixed flow rate sampler, operating at 16.67 L/min (1 m3/h), using a specified inlet, tubing, secondary size selective impactor and filter holder.
The filter cassette is also specified by the standard. The inlet has a 10 µm cutpoint that provides wind speed and direction independent sampling to remove particles larger than 10 µm.
The connecting tubing is a 30.5 cm length anodised aluminium tubing with a precisely specified inner diameter and surface finish.
The secondary size selective element is the WINS impactor that further reduces the passed particulate to exclude particles larger than 2.5 µm. The particulate is then collected on a 47 mm PTFE filter.
Features include: flexible and user-friendly software guides users through system setup, event programming, calibration and maintenance; flexible calibration of temperature sensors using either a thermocouple calibrator or submersion bath; stores over 16 days of 5 minute interval average data; user settable interval for log data; stores up to 50 sample event summaries; multi-point calibration of all sensors for greater accuracy; and DataLink downloads all pertinent information from the field without cumbersome palmtops, PCs or laptops.
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