Oil and gas leaders consider nuclear power

Monday, 13 August, 2007

Nuclear power could be as cheap as coal if carbon capture and storage is enforced, according to Prof Peter Johnston, Head of Physics at RMIT and panel member of the 2006 federal government review into the nuclear industry.

Speaking as an independent expert to Australia's top oil and gas industry body, the Australian Engineering Network (AUSEN) on 7 August, he said that nuclear power is the cheapest low-carbon emission technology available for baseload power generation.

"Although the cost of carbon capture is not known precisely, nuclear power is likely to become economically viable if coal-fired power stations were required to fit carbon capture and storage technology," he said. "But without enforced carbon constraint, all low-emission technologies remain uncompetitive."

As to when and where nuclear power stations would be built, Johnston said that it is likely to be at least 2020 before the first plants could become operational. They would most likely be coastal, to provide the large volumes of water required for cooling purposes.

However, some changes are needed before a nuclear industry becomes viable in Australia.

"First of all, Australia would require a bi-partisan government policy," said Johnston. "The ALP currently does not support the introduction of nuclear power, and no company would risk losing its investment due to a change of government. Potential investors require a stable policy environment and a predictable licensing and regulatory regime.

"Australia would also need to upgrade its engineering knowledge in a number of critical areas, as well as skills in nuclear science, environmental science and hydrology. The engineering and safety standards of the nuclear industry are the highest of any discipline, and the country lacks people with the necessary skills and experience."

AUSEN hosted the presentation to prepare its members for the possible introduction of nuclear technology. AUSEN chairman, Dino Alessio, said that member organisations would need time to up-skill. "For example, local manufacturer Champion Compressors would most likely turn to its US partner, Sullair, to draw on its experience and speed up the process," he said.

Johnston said that if Australia does head down the nuclear path, it could play a role in all parts of the nuclear fuel cycle. "The technology for uranium enrichment exists, and the Australian Government is currently examining sites in the Northern Territory for storage of nuclear waste from the Lucas Heights reactors," he said. "If the political will exists, a nuclear industry in Australia would be viable."

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