Come to the first ADCA networking function for 2004 RFID industry developments and capabilities

Thursday, 15 April, 2004

The Automatic Data Capture Australia (ADCA) forum is pleased to announce its first networking functions for 2004 to be held in Sydney and Melbourne in March and April. We hope you and your guests will attend what promises to be topical and timely seminars.

With the current focus on RFID and its capabilities, ADCA has organised a key speaker and case studies to explore issues surrounding RFID ability to deliver on the promise, and the apparent reticence in industry to adopt the technology.

Our speakers are from the e-Technology Development and Standards division of EAN Australia. Fiona Wilson will speak in Sydney and a senior RFID manager from EAN will conduct the seminar in Melbourne. They will bring you up to date on industry developments, capabilities and EPCglobal developments. A case study will follow both presentations.

Details of the seminars are:

DATE: 24 March 2004
VENUE: ATP Innovations
Suite 145, National Innovation Centre
Australian Technology Park
Eveleigh NSW

TIME: 4.00pm-6.00pm followed by networking drinks and light snacks
COST: Member rate $60 PER PERSON (inc.GST)
Non-member rate $68 PER PERSON (inc. GST)
*This is non-refundable as amount covers venue and catering costs.

DATE: 28 APRIL 2004
VENUE: Axxess Corporate Park
Unit 100, 45 Gilby Road
Mt. Waverley VIC 3149

TIME: 4.00pm-6.00pm followed by networking drinks and light snacks
COST: Member rate $60 PER PERSON (inc. GST)
Non-member rate $68 PER PERSON (inc. GST)
*This is non-refundable as amount covers venue and catering costs.

These seminars are open to all ADCA members so please bring as many colleagues, business partners or clients as you like. This is a good opportunity for others to get a feel for our organisation, and for us to increase membership.

Please register for this event soon, as numbers at both venues are limited. A registration form is attached. Please note all RSVPs are to be sent to the AEEMA Secretariat for ease of administration.

For further information about these events, please contact Loretta Johnson on 02 6247 4655 or


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