The MatrikonOPC UA Proxy has been designed to make it easy for companies to take advantage of the next generation Open Process Control (OPC) standard - OPC Unified Architecture (UA) - while continuing to use their existing OPC classic architectures.
While the OPC UA standard is backward compatible with classic OPC from a data perspective, it uses different technologies to establish connections and transmit OPC data.
Using the UA Proxy from MatrikonOPC, it is possible to maximise ROI on existing classic OPC technologies while being free to adopt the broad range of new OPC UA-based technologies. With the release of the UA Proxy, MatrikonOPC claims to provide the first easy, reliable way to seamlessly combine these two OPC technologies.
Key features include a streamlined set-up workflow that allows for connection in minutes, and easy-to-use smart defaults requiring minimal user knowledge of OPC UA. The proxy eliminates traditional DCOM or firewall issues and operates on a Windows server system.
Phone: 07 3340 8500
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