The MatrikonOPC DMZ Agent provides a secure, standardised solution for accessing real-time and archived control automation data across DMZs using off-the-shelf MatrikonOPC products.
Corporate IT departments implement DMZs to protect network assets by layering and isolating secure zones from those that are considered less secure. Network traffic is restricted between these layers via multiple firewalls. While DMZs work to secure the automation environment from the dangers present in the outside world, they prevent necessary operations and business applications from accessing key data using traditional methods.
The MatrikonOPC DMZ Agent overcomes DMZ related control data sharing issues by providing engineers and system integrators with two time-tested OPC architectures depending on design and corporate security policies.
The DMZ Agent Pull solution enables permitted enterprise applications to securely initiate requests for OPC data located within a secure network, while the DMZ Agent Push solution allows permitted enterprise applications to receive secure network data pushed from within a DMZ (one-way firewall configuration).
The DMZ Agent eliminates traditional DCOM and firewall issues associated with DMZs, while providing secure, controlled access to process data. The Push architecture provides access to historical data, while the Pull architecture provides access to real time or historical data. The agent is OPC UA compatible and has configurable data encryption.
Phone: 07 3340 8500
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