Phoenix Contact mGuard security appliance firmware v8.4
Phoenix Contact has released firmware 8.4 for the mGuard security appliances, extending the functional scope of the devices to include functions such as Modbus/TCP inspection and DNS name-based firewalling.
With the Modbus/TCP inspector function, a deep packet inspection capability for Modbus/TCP, connections using this widespread industrial protocol can be protected with precision. Access rights can now not only be set at the level of the IP addresses and ports, but also at the level of the function codes and registers used within the Modbus protocol. This enables users to specify, for example, which Modbus devices have read-only or read-write permission. Register-specific access rights can also be defined.
With DNS name-based firewalling, firewall access rights can be defined not only in relation to IP addresses but also in relation to DNS names. This simplifies configuration in the case of applications with frequently changing IP addresses.
The mGuard 8.4 firmware version is available to download from the download area of the mGuard product pages.
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