Shepelec Instrumentation Multicon multichannel controller/recorder
The Multicon controller is a compact multichannel controller with an option to record data, making it able to integrate advanced control functions (such as PID, ON/OFF, time and profiles) and the logging of setpoints, process variables and the current state of controlled objects.
The Multicon is designed to manage the indication, control and recording of plant processes. When used in conjunction with a PLC, it can act as the process variable display, the analog input module, the recorder and the PID analog control output module.
Based on Linux firmware, the controller is stable and is freely upgradeable. The preprogrammed colour touch screen is claimed to make configuration easy and quick, and the data presentation easily readable.
The Multicon can integrate up to 48 direct inputs and a total of 60 inputs using external modules. Modular construction means that users can select up to three of the 16 available input/output cards.
Having 1.5 GB of internal data memory, the Multicon can simultaneously record all 60 built-in logical channels, at up to 10 times/s. As an example, this would provide enough recording capacity to log all channels at 1 sample/s for 50 days (250,000,000 samples in total). The data can be downloaded via USB flash drive or optionally via ethernet.
Modbus RTU RS 485 is provided as standard and Modbus over ethernet is also available.
Phone: 03 5831 8181
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