Honeywell Enraf Fusion4 MSC-L multistream loading controller

Friday, 11 April, 2014 | Supplied by: Honeywell Process Solutions

Honeywell Enraf has released the Fusion4 MSC-L, a multistream controller for loading products from refineries and chemical plants into transports such as railcars, tankers and barges.

Claimed to be highly accurate, scalable and versatile, Fusion4 MSC-L offers a an intuitive device interface to enable every installation, operation and maintenance function to be controlled in the field using a large display and integrated keyboard that works as a complete hazardous area operating station. The controller can operate up to six loading arms simultaneously, providing safe, reliable control for road loading, as well as tank farm transfers and marine and rail-terminal operations.

Based on mobile phone and tablet computing ‘apps’, on-screen icons make it more intuitive to use, cutting training times and reducing the risk of human error. Combined with the installed keyboard, it offers simple, secure and fully functional control of the loading system from the unit itself.

The hazardous area, explosion-proof design of the MSC-L allows live data transfer in hazardous areas, with safe, secure two-way data communication, using the handheld Fusion4 LAD (local access device) for rapid transfer of transaction data, configuration files and calibration records. It also offers user configurable and expandable I/Os, and has a start-up time of under one minute, with calibration wizards and zero downtime upgrades.

Phone: 07 3840 6400
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