Endress+Hauser Turbimax CUS52D turbidity sensor
Endress+Hauser has introduced the Turbimax CUS52D turbidity sensor for process water filtration and other industrial process turbidity conditions.
The sensor performs laboratory-quality turbidity measurements without the need for extensive bypass installations, avoiding product or water losses. The sensor measures turbidity from 0 to 4000 NTU in accordance with ISO 7027.
The sensor’s surface minimises the build-up of biofilms and particulates. The ability to operate at high pressures (up to 145 psi) makes suppressing air bubbles possible. For bypass operation, an optional air bubble trap catches smaller air bubbles.
The sensor is available in immersion, flow cell and in-line versions. The device can be used at the raw water inlet of any plant and the outlet of process filtration and clarification, and is suited to filter monitoring, filter backwashing and all stages of industrial water purification. The sensor is suitable for hygienic food and beverage processes including brewing, spirits, soft drink and dairy. Its fast response time (<1 s) enables it to perform as a primary process variable in control applications.
A smart solid-state reference allows the sensor to be verified and calibrated before insertion into the process without the use of potentially harmful liquid standards. Matched to each sensor for maximum calibration accuracy, the solid-state references are simple to use and provide consistent, clear results.
Phone: 1300 363 707
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