Tolomatic ACS ODVA-compliant actuator driver
The Tolomatic ACS actuator control solution, an easy-to-use, low-cost servo or stepper driver and controller developed specifically for use with electric actuators, is now ODVA conformant for EtherNet/IP.
Tolomatic electric actuators and ACS actuator control solutions with a servo or stepper driver/controller provide infinite positioning, precise control and longer life. With built-in configurations for all of Tolomatic’s electric actuators, linear motion is quickly and easily created in the desired linear units (mm or inch).
The ACS servo and stepper drives are intended to be controlled from a PLC or master controller via 24 VDC digital I/O, 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA analog I/O, Modbus RTU over RS485, or Ethernet (EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP protocols).
Recent upgrades to the Tolomatic ACS stepper drive include a 10 A drive, and, similar to the servo drive, USB configuration and the availability of 34-frame motors.
Both the ACS servo and stepper driver and controller now feature a 24 V brake output for brake control, allowing the ACS servo/stepper drive to control any 24 VDC external brake through Tolomatic Motion Interface software.
Both the servo and stepper driver/controllers support QoS to improve communication over EtherNet/IP. In addition, both technologies now support EcoMode, which reduces motor current in the motion complete interval (dwell), allowing a slight increase of position error but increasing electrical efficiency.
New features for the ACS drives include add-on instructions for Studio 5000 Logix Designer/RSLogix5000 as well as sample programs for easy commissioning.
Phone: 02 9674 5200
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