Pilz PSSuniversal 16-channel compact I/O modules
Compact modules are now available for the Pilz PSSuniversal decentralised I/O system.
Modules are available with 16 standard digital inputs and 16 standard digital outputs, and there are also modules with both digital inputs and outputs.
The three compact modules are also compatible with the electronic and base modules in the PSSuniversal system.
Fewer components are needed when using compact modules, enabling savings to be made. With 16 channels, only one compact module is needed, instead of the four individual modules that were previously required.
Various connectors are available, so that the modules are suitable for 1-, 2- or 3-wire connection technology.
The high packing density of the compact modules also reduces the assembly area by up to 40%, and replacing four individual modules with one compact module reduces the number of components to be stocked.
Phone: 1300 723 334
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