The AR500 is a compact triangulation laser sensor available with measurement ranges from 5–1000 mm with a red or blue laser, and with an assortment of power options (from Class 2 to 3B) for applications that require a brighter laser. A factory-installed internal heater, air jacket or splash guard is available for challenging environments.
The AR500 has a 0.1% linearity and 0.01% resolution over full scale for the 5–750 mm models and a 0.15% linearity and 0.02% resolution over full scale for the 1000 mm model. Maximum sampling rate is 9.4 kHz.
The AR500 comes with a standard RS232 or optional RS485 serial interface for communication and can be provided with an Ethernet output option.
The AR500 also comes with an analog output — 4–20 mA or 0–10 V — that can be programmed to have a custom measurement range, and the minimum and maximum can be set to any points in the laser’s range. There is also a limit output for indicating alarms for triggering an external device when a target reaches a set position.
Engineers of automobile crash tests use the AR500 laser position sensor to measure the car’s deceleration during the crash event. Analog signals from the sensors are used to produce a deceleration curve plotted against time.
Phone: 03 9837 5203
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