Acuity Laser’s ultra-compact AR2700 eye-safe rangefinder has a measurement frequency of up to 40 kHz and can measure distances to natural targets up to 70 m away or to retroreflective targets 270 m away.
The AR2700 high-speed long-range sensor uses time-of-flight measurement principles to measure long distances at short measurement intervals at high sampling rates. This sensor can measure distances from 0.2 to 70 m to natural targets of low reflectance (10%). The accuracy is generally specified with an absolute linearity of ±60 and a repeatability of ±25 mm. The linearity will vary depending on sample averaging, temperature and surface reflectivity of the target surface.
The AR2700 sensor is offered as a ready-to-use device with industry standard IP67 housing. Designed for measurements of moving targets, the distance sensor is commonly used to detect objects in industrial automation or for monitoring defined areas in transport and logistics applications. Typical applications include bridge crane monitoring, trolley positioning and altitude measurements, amongst others.
The AR2700 sensor is supplied standard with serial output (RS232 and RS422) and analog 4–20 mA current loop output. The AR2700 has two limit switches for indicating alarms used for triggering an external device when a target reaches a set position. Data formats are available both in ASCII and binary with selectable termination characters. The sensor can also be triggered using an input signal wire or a serial command at rates up to 30 kHz.
Phone: 03 9837 5203
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