Smith Flow Control EasiDrive portable valve actuator

Friday, 27 February, 2015 | Supplied by: Sofis Valve Operation

Carried in a rucksack, Smith Flow Control’s EasiDrive portable valve actuator is designed for use with valves requiring a large number of turns or which are otherwise difficult to operate because of high torque or harsh climate conditions.

With the EasiDrive the operator has absolute control when opening and closing different-sized valves with varying torque requirements. One person can efficiently drive multiple valves with a single tool, reducing fatigue and risk of injury and resulting in major cost and time savings. It can be used in virtually any industry, from oil refineries and petrochemical plants to power stations and paper mills.

The EasiDrive is a low-cost alternative to permanent actuators. No permanent power supply is required, and it is therefore suitable for minimum facilities installations. It is capable of moving tight or partially seized valves and is adaptable to any size or type of valve.

The ‘reaction kit’, which prevents a torque kickback, is especially useful as valve movement is always fully controlled, preventing operator injury and fatigue. In addition, the variable torque output feature, which prevents excessive torque being applied, ensures proper and safe valve operation at all times.

EasiDrive can be powered by air, electricity or battery, giving the user ultimate control over their preferred choice. It can also be custom designed to suit specific site requirements.

Phone: 03 9771 5370
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