Intertec PERI SHELTER outdoor equipment shelter

Thursday, 01 March, 2018 | Supplied by: Intertec

Intertec has developed an unusual outdoor equipment shelter. Its outdoor PERI SHELTER for protecting field-based instrumentation and automation makes all the system components that are required for normal operation accessible via the exterior of the building. This ‘inside out’ design approach can reduce shelter sizes and simplify construction and installation, according to the company.

The product eliminates the need to make plant buildings blastproof and fire-resistant because personnel might be inside. It also offers major reductions in size by eliminating desks, control panels, door opening spaces, aisles/walkways/escape routes etc, and simplifies internal atmospheric control requirements.

Panel-mounting enclosures on the exterior provide access to electrical connection and I/O termination points and cooling systems. A touch-screen HMI panel that sits on an external wall allows operators on the ground to monitor the PLC or make adjustments to control programs locally via an inspection door.

The shelters also feature a novel fault tolerant cooling system that is suitable for hot locations, based on a combination of passive and active cooling. Passive cooling operates independently of an electrical power supply, ensuring that the shelters remain cool even during a power outage. An additional powered water cooler improves the efficiency of the cooling system. A third air cooler provides an independent backup.

Phone: 0011 63 2333 8822
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