NORD Drivesystems has expanded its IE3 premium efficiency motor range to also include smaller motor powers. Available as an alternative to its IE2 motor range, the smaller-sized IE3 range with rated power from 0.12 to 0.75 kW — which finds use across a large share of all drive applications — will make it easier to equip entire plants with eco-friendly, highly efficient drive systems.
While the efficiency percentiles for this performance class have only been defined in the last stage of the European Union Ecodesign Directive for electric motors and have only recently been introduced into the international standard IEC 60034-30-1, legally there is no immediate need to act on motors this small as IE3 requirements within the EU only apply to motors rated at 7.5 kW or higher.
Users with a particular concern for the environment and those seeking to truly maximise efficiency may wish to go beyond current legal obligations. NORD supplies the compact IE3 motors in IEC frame sizes. Changing the specifications to IE3 is a smooth process that will not require physical design changes to machinery and equipment.
Phone: 03 9394 0500
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