igus isense monitored slewing ring bearing
The lubrication-free and maintenance-free polymer igus slewing ring bearings from Treotham are suitable for installations where reliability is required. In order to avoid failure of the bearings and an unscheduled shutdown of equipment, igus has developed the intelligent isense slewing ring bearing. It uses a sensor to measure the wear of the bearing and informs the user when replacement is required.
In control desks, welding equipment, indexing tables or chain saws: igus slewing rings resting on plain bearings are primarily used in applications requiring a high level of reliability — often in conjunction with high cycle speeds and high loads. The iglidur polymer slewing ring bearings have sliding elements between the inner and outer bearing rings, which are made of aluminium or stainless steel. The maintenance-free sliding elements made of high-performance iglidur J plastic ensure that friction and wear are minimised without the use of lubrication.
A wear sensor mounted in a slot under the sliding elements measures the axial lowering of the SRB head ring caused by abrasion and passes the information on to the icom communication module. After the information has been compared with a previously determined application-relevant wear rate, the necessity for replacement can be indicated in good time via the icom module.
The communication module receives the data from the sensor and sends the information to the desired end devices via WLAN.
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