Spray Nozzle Engineering custom spray lance solutions
For over 25 years, Spray Nozzle Engineering, as Bete Fog Nozzle’s exclusive partner, has been supplying nozzle technology for downstream oil and gas, and chemical process control, and has announced an expanded range of customised spray lance solutions. Spray Nozzle Engineering has combined Australian fabrication and engineering knowledge with Bete Fog Nozzle’s metallurgical and nozzle expertise to custom design spray lances to meet specific local conditions and material requirements.
With Spray Nozzle Engineering’s specialist knowledge in single- and two-fluid atomisation, its lance designs include permanent and fully retractable spray lances that enable retraction safely while still online. Nozzles can be supplied in special high-temperature and corrosion-resistant metals with quick delivery times due to Bete Fog Nozzle’s in-house casting capability.
Recent applications include spray water cooling in refrigerated vessels, fire protection, gas quenching and liquid injection.
Phone: 03 9583 2368
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