Beamex ePG electrical pressure calibration pump
Beamex ePG is an electrical pressure pump for industrial pressure calibration applications. It is a robust, portable battery-operated pressure pump that is said to enable easy and quick pressure generation from near vacuum up to 20 bar (300 psi). With a field-replaceable, long-lasting battery pack, users can perform a large number of pressure calibrations on a single charge.
The Beamex ePG can be used together with any existing pressure calibrator, meaning users do not need to buy a new calibrator but can simply replace their manual hand pump with the ePG. It is intuitive to use, with coarse and fine adjustment buttons to easily generate the required pressure. The Beamex ePG can also be serviced by the user to simplify maintenance.
When the Beamex ePG is used together with the Beamex MC6 family of calibrators, it enables fully automatic pressure calibration where the MC6 calibrator automatically controls the ePG. This optional feature will be available in the near future with a firmware update to the Beamex ePG.
Phone: 03 9017 8225
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