Beamex CENTRiCAL workshop calibration test bench
The Beamex CENTRiCAL workshop calibration test bench is designed to combine ease of use, versatility and ergonomics for performing calibrations in a workshop.
CENTRiCAL is easy to configure to suit individual requirements, while the standard electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection offers electrical safety measures. Each unit is supplied with accredited calibration certificates to ensure quality and traceability. It is available with ergonomics via motorised height control or as a fixed height bench. A straight bench as well as corner modules are available to meet user needs. A trolley-based design is also available for mobile solutions.
Even though process instruments are often calibrated in the field with portable calibration equipment, there are situations when it is more effective and convenient to perform calibrations in a workshop. For example, during a commissioning phase, it is easier and faster to calibrate the process instruments in a workshop, before installing them into the process. It is also more efficient to calibrate spare devices and rotational spares in a workshop. Better accuracy can also be achieved when the calibration is performed in controlled conditions, using dedicated high-accuracy workshop calibration equipment. In the event of harsh or even dangerous field conditions, calibration in a well-designed workshop with equipment ready for use is ergonomic and practical. Workshop calibration can also complement field calibration.
Combining the Beamex CENTRiCAL together with software, hardware and calibration expertise forms an automated and paperless digital calibration solution.
Phone: 03 9017 8225
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