Industrial wireless handbook

Thursday, 07 September, 2006 | Supplied by:

Elpro has created an industrial wireless handbook as a means of providing concise, detailed information on industrial wireless that provides readers with a means of answering their questions and then directing them to the best solution with a match to Elpro's products.

Included in each chapter is relevant information on basic telemetry, security, wireless reliability, antenna technology and useful data on applications and installation techniques.

Elpro's wireless product range is accessible through the handbook's colour-coded guide tabs. These tabs direct users to the product area most likely to assist them with their wireless applications. There they will find a complete set of operating specifications for each product. Each section is further complemented by Elpro's website from where installation guides and complete operating manuals can be downloaded.

Throughout the handbook users will find a number of typical applications that allow them to more easily understand how wireless technology is providing solutions worldwide.

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