Innovative Queensland companies save mines millions
Three Queensland companies are using the current mining downturn as an opportunity to develop innovative products that improve efficiencies and reduce costs, saving millions in dollars and resources.
Queensland’s mining equipment, technology and services providers (METS) are at the forefront of mining innovation with the support of the Australian and Queensland Government’s recent combined $20 million investment. Australian Diversified Engineering (ADE), LC Products and Access Environmental Systems are three METS leading the way in global innovation, developing unique products that improve efficiencies and safety, and reduce costs for the mining industry.
Danny Irvine, commercial manager of ADE, said during a mining downturn most major cuts occur within the employee division; however, more sustainable business changes can be adopted that offer long-term benefits.
According to a recent CSIRO report, if the Queensland resources sector is to remain globally competitive, it must have a strong innovation focus. The report suggests that it is not just a matter of adopting off-the-shelf initiatives developed elsewhere, but of sustaining a culture of innovation and building the skills, capabilities and resources required to develop and implement effective solutions locally.
Indeed, according to the report, many of the metalliferous mines in north-west Queensland are at a mature stage of the mining cycle and several operations in the region may be mined out during the period 2015 to 2020.
Further, the developed world is now in the process of shifting to a new model, in which knowledge will be the most important currency. This is also apparent in the global resources sector, where innovations such as cloud computing, the use of sensors to enable real-time monitoring, enhanced modelling and simulation capacity hold out the potential to deliver significant productivity gains.
ADE is providing mining companies with the opportunity to save millions of dollars and billions of litres of water every year using their ADE Spray system. Irvine said they are focused on developing world-class products that improve systems and safety within the industry.
“Our products have been proven to provide a long-term return on investment both financially and environmentally,” he said. “The ADE Spray system is the only system in the world that can deliver consistent, measurable water coverage for managing dusty haul roads.
“For sites where water typically costs approximately $2000 per ML, the ADE Spray could save the environment 4 million litres of water per day, or 1.5 billion per year, across a fleet of five trucks operating 18 hours per day. Over the course of a year, companies can expect to save around $2.9 million in water costs alone.”
LC Products and Access Environmental Systems are also breaking new ground within the mining industry with the development of their innovative systems. Designed specifically to optimise hydraulic excavator or shovel productivity, the LC Products Titan 3330 is proven to increase truck fleet productivity by 6%, decrease overloads over 110% and eliminate 120% or higher overloads.
With a strong focus on miner’s safety, Access Environmental Systems’ Coolfog product improves visibility by suppressing dust with pressurised water, which enhances employee work conditions, reducing the risk of future legal disputes.
Irvine said it’s the development of innovative products like these that impact mining company’s bottom lines, but the industry is slow to implement them into their existing work processes.
“Innovation within this industry will continue to develop; however, without the adoption of technologies and products like these, mining sites’ productivity, costs and employee safety will continue to remain the same,” he said.
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