Making integration and continuous improvement easier
Enhancing existing controls infrastructure investment with IO-Link technologies. [ + ]
Edge technology: accessing and integrating critical isolated data
The truth behind the hype. [ + ]
How industry will change post-COVID-19
Omron Oceania Engineering Manager Harry Mulder discusses how the coronavirus pandemic will reshape Australian industry going forward. [ + ]
Digital technologies support the future of industrial measurement
Digitalisation is paving the way for highly effective industrial measurement and turning digitally enabled plants into reality. [ + ]
Protecting our critical infrastructure is more important than ever
The recent series of cyber attacks on Australian organisations has highlighted the need to place more focus on the security of our critical infrastructure. [ + ]
Smart manufacturing for increased flexibility
If 2020 has taught us anything so far, it's that we must never be complacent. [ + ]
Machine automation and its role in digitalised manufacturing
The ability to see the potential of digitalisation and to separate the hype from reality will make the difference between success and failure. [ + ]
Turning the dream of predictive maintenance into reality
Advice on how to realise the dream of implementing successful predictive maintenance applications. [ + ]
I have my head in the clouds
The IIoT cloud unlocks possibilities for the OT world that were previously unavailable. [ + ]
Don't get caught without a cybersecurity strategy
It's hard to believe there are still thousands of systems in operation today without any basic security controls in place. [ + ]
The challenges of IT/OT convergence
The convergence of IT and OT systems presents immediate challenges for the teams that manage them, each of whom has different objectives. [ + ]
Continuous level measurement: is non-contact radar always the answer?
Some instrumentation vendors may offer non-contact radar as the instrument of choice for almost any continuous level measurement scenario, but be careful… [ + ]
How to protect vital controller data from cyber attack
Modern controllers have been designed from the ground up for a cyber‑enabled world. [ + ]
Using AI and an app to identify components
Researchers have developed an app that enables individual components with no barcode to be unambiguously identified within seconds. [ + ]
Australia needs to rely more on local innovation and supply chains
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted risks in the global supply chain and unveiled potential opportunities for Australian manufacturers to reinvigorate the industry. [ + ]