Testing the testers
Quality auditors, when assessing an organisation to ISO 9001, expect to find that measuring equipment is within its calibration interval and that the performance of the equipment is suitable for its application
[ + ]Pulp and papermaking: future trends in equipment and processes
Future trends in equipment and processes in the pulp and paper industry must be viewed against the background of changing economic and social global developments. Chief among these is the investors' demand for a better financial performance
[ + ]Oils ain't oils
The wrong lubricant, or the correct lubricant applied in the wrong manner, can halt plant operations. With so much at stake, making sure that the right lubricant is used at the right time is critical
[ + ]Modern controllers driving continuous plant improvement
Many companies are getting far from their best value out of their controllers. They largely limit their use in the main to that of the pure engineering function and miss out totally on their additional use as a key component
[ + ]Micro-machines advance electronics
Tiny machines could be used to revolutionise the manufacture of electronic devices such as minute 'invisible' hearing aids and the new generation of video mobile phones
[ + ]Maximising your warehousing systems
The last decade has seen a shift towards smaller orders, more often. This trend puts the onus back onto the distributor to ensure that enough stock is being held or can be sourced quickly enough to support the variable demand
[ + ]Remote control of natural gas flow
Envestra Limited's natural gas distribution system in Victoria comprises over 8300 km of natural gas mains and supplies over 400,000 consumers in metropolitan and regional areas
[ + ]Beware of bad imitations
Imagine being four and a half weeks into a tight five-week drilling, sand-blasting or construction contract a thousand kilometres from anywhere. You're being paid per hour and you know you'll be pushing it to finish the job on time
[ + ]Virtual product development - the engine for successful enterprises
Manufacturers today need more than just the next 'big idea'. They need to make that big idea a reality. They need to do it in a business environment that demands faster time-to-market, higher quality, lower costs and greater innovation
[ + ]Towards 2006 - a new age of motor efficiency
New regulatory requirements for induction motors are in the pipeline and promise to raise the bar on motor minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), according to SEW Eurodrive's Frank Cerra
[ + ]Make or brake with compact controllers
Integrated control solutions are at the heart of Pacifica Group Technologies' new brake caliper assembly machines, allowing unprecedented ease and versatility in the production process
[ + ]Ultrasonic flowmeters become the technology of choice
The worldwide ultrasonic flowmeter market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.9 per cent over the next five years. At nearly US$406 million in 2002, it is forecasted to be a little less than US$600 million by the end of 2007
[ + ]Spray technology comes in from the cold
Cold spray technology, or cold gas-dynamic spray technology, is a revolutionary and rapidly emerging industrial coatings technology, which offers wide opportunity for Australian manufacturing
[ + ]Australian manufacturers may get caught napping
There has been much coverage in the press outlining the problems many companies have experienced with software implementations, such as ERP, over the past decade. Often, by the time they got their high-cost, large-scale system working, it was obsolete
[ + ]Ethernet - the future of industrial control networks
The prevalence of ethernet in the industrial environment is growing at an exponential rate. The expectation is that this form of industrial communication will develop throughout the industrial environment
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